Two years ago when we started going to Verbier, which by the way, is near the Great St. Bernard Pass in the canton of Valais, I met China/Gina. I am still not sure of the correct spelling of her name. I think it should be Gina, but when you pronounce the name in french, it sounds like it should be spelled C-H-I-N-A. For the sake of writing I will use Gina.

Gina is a 5 year old St. Bernard. Her job is to take pictures with skiers during the winter season and hikers in the summer season. The first year we went to Verbier, I had my picture taken with her. Every weekend we are there I look to see her. I stop by and say hello. Obviously, Gina can not speak, so I talk to the photographer. The last weekend we were there this season, Gina was near Ruinettes. Usually she is at Attelas. Since I was not skiing, I had taken my camera with me and I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to take my own pictures.
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